Financial support of our school is the responsibility of our parish cluster and all school families. Families are asked to participate in school fundraisers to the best of their ability. Diocesan guidelines for school support suggest that 20% of school funding should be raised through development and fund raising. Funds generated from these events are budgeted as income to the school.
Fundraisers include, but are not limited to: Celebration For Education, Car Washes,
Walk-a-Thon, Rummage Sale, SCRIP sales.......
Please forward any ideas and suggestions to the School Office.
Questions on any of the above-listed fundraisers are always welcome! We are thankful for the generous support of our school/parish families, relatives and friends. You make a difference!
Each parent and/or parishioner who wishes to use Online Giving may do so by completing the attached form and returning it to the church or school office. The parent and/or parishioner will have the ability to donate monthly or bi-monthly. Electronic payments will be made from the parent/parishioner's bank account by ACH withdrawal to CCF Bank, and the FULL donation is then sent to St. Francis de Sales. Withdrawals can be made on either the 1st or the 15th of the month. Please click here to access the form:
OnlIne Giving Form